In 2023, Hayden Paddon had an exceptional season, solidifying his status as one of rallying’s premier talents. Paddon clinched the European Rally Championship (ERC) title, showcasing his prowess across diverse terrains and against fierce competition. His...
In 2022, Hayden Paddon, alongside co-driver John Kennard, had a standout season, highlighted by their victory in the FIA World Rally2 Championship category at the Repco Rally New Zealand. Driving a Hyundai i20 N Rally2, they secured a significant triumph, setting a...
New Zealand’s most successful rally competitors, Hayden Paddon and John Kennard, have confirmed they will contest the 2024 FIA European Rally Championship (ERC) in a bid to defend their ERC title which they won on their first attempt last year. Paddon knows he has a...
Winmax Brake Pads and Paddon Racing Group are proud to announce the continuation of their collaboration for another year to bolster the careers of five promising young motorsport talents through the Winmax Junior Driver Programme. Established in 2021, the Winmax...
Kiwi rally driver Hayden Paddon and co-driver John Kennard will challenge for their seventh New Zealand Rally Championship in 2023. Competing in their Hyundai i20 Rally2 that won WRC2 at Rally New Zealand. Following a successful opening round of the European Rally...